Today is my Meera chithi's (my dad's younger brother's wife) birthday. She turns 45 today. I have known her for the past 17 years, since the time she got married to my uncle. She is one of the few women that have a great deal of inner strength. Never will she crib about anything, inspite of all that she has gone through and will always have a warm positive smile for you. She is also extremely humble and will always treat guests, expected or unexpected, at their not-so-spacious home in a warm friendly manner with utmost hospitality. If there is one place that I'm truly at home, away from my own home, it is their place
She, with some basic support from my uncle, is struggling day in and day out to make ends meet for their family. They have pillared all their hopes on their 12 year old son, who is shining really well in his school and other extra-curricular activities
I really pray to God for giving her good health and continued happiness on this day and in the future. A very happy birthday to her
P.S: I'm trying to explain to Vidyuth the names of relationships in Tamil as opposed to the generic Uncle/Aunt in English. Here is how a recent conversation was
Me: Vidyuth, we call appa's elder brother as "Periappa"
Vidyuth: Ok, appa
Me: Vidyuth, we call appa's elder brother's wife as "Periamma"
Vidyuth: Ok, appa
Me: Vidyuth, we call appa's younger brother as "Chittapa"
Vidyuth: Ok, appa
Vidyuth: Appa, do we then call appa's younger brother's wife as "Chittamma"
Me: @#$@&$@)
Actually it is logical for him to ask that, however they are, for reasons completely oblivious to me, are called "Chithi"