I did it! I completed 26.2 miles in 7hrs 38mins hours on October 21st, 2007 for the Nike Women's Marathon. I
had initially signed up to run the marathon but with multiple injuries (on my knee and ankle), I decided to walk it. The weather was perfect, the course was awesome(except some treacherous hills). It was an amazing experience and chances are that I will do one again (maybe a 1/2 next year and a full marathon in a couple of years).
It was the furthest I'd ever walked in my life, on a perfectly clear, sunny and mild Sunday morning, with all my walking buddies, my peerless mentors, coach Al, Mama Lisa, coach Ron, Coach Susan and the whole east bay rockin' team pouring it on.
What a rush; all those people from all over the US and Canada, running for all the angels and heroes named on the backs and fronts and sides of their shirts. All those loving and supportive family members, co-workers, friends and loved ones, cheering and encouraging and snapping photos and making a joyful noise helped a lot of us get through the last mile (BOY, it was the longest mile I have ever walked:)! The Nike was a freaking blast, and I finished upright, feeling strong and powerful.
John “The Penguin” Bingham
Good job again on completing the marathon successfully!!
we both are really proud that despite injuries, u were able to finish 26.2 miles - which shows ur conviction to the cause. we are sure that both of u can accomplish much more and contribute to a noble cause.
hats off to LGVV
just now i enlarged the snaps and viwed. great! i saw an elderly woman too. amazing. i could see a sense of accomplishment in your face .. especially in the second snap. keep it up my kids.
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